Next  14th Science & Technological ConferencePARTICIPATION OF POWER CHEMISTRY IN THE INCREASE OF EFFECTIVENESS OF POWER EQUIPMENT organized by Przedsiębiorstwo Usług Naukowo-Technicznych ‘Pro novum’ Sp. z o.o. took place between 14 and 16 May 2012 in Hotel STOK, Wisła.
The Conference is a confirmation of cyclic meetings of chemists from Polish power sector and has 28 years of tradition.

Presented papers covered following issues:

Older/new power sector – present water chemistry problems in power plants and CHPs,
Power chemistry and a problem of lifetime extention beyond 300.000 working hours,
Analysis of physico-chemical working conditions of power equipment as an element of integrated diagnostic system,
IT support for the diagnostic systems and the systems of knowledge management,
Problems connected with corrosion and anticorrosive protection of power equipment,
Innovative technologies and services in the field of power engineering chemistry and environmental protection,
Chemical specification in steam-and water systems in power plants and CHPs.
Main co-organizers were:

TAURON Wytwarzanie S.A.
Economic Society Polish Power Plants
Media Patrons were:

Dozór Techniczny
Nowa Energia
Przegląd Energetyczny