Energetyka, Nr 5/2017
Jerzy Trzeszczyński - Further operation of 200 MW power units – rational strategy for Polish power sector (only Polish version)


Energetyka, Nr 11/2015
Jerzy Trzeszczyński - Using the failure analysis to increase the accuracy of lifetime prediction of heating surface tubes and to improve boilers' availability (only Polish version)


Energetyka, Nr 8/2014
Jerzy Trzeszczyński, Wojciech Murzynowski, Radosław Stanek - 10 years experience and development perspectives for LM System PRO+® – the IT platform to support maintenance of power equipment (only Polish version)


Energetyka, Nr 11/2013
Sławomir Rajca, Ewald Grzesiczek, Jerzy Trzeszczyński - Assessment and forecast of HP and IP rotors’ lifetime of 13K215 turbines planned to be operated up to 350 000 hours (only Polish version)